page mission

Let’s change the world together. Join the vibe!

That’s our mission. Together with you and more and more companies. We want to increase the speed of change. Making the switch from traditional materials to organic Vibers. So that your company can produce or use plastics, concrete, paper and cardboard that is more sustainable. Who doesn’t want that?

Our vision: growing forests, clean water and no plastic in the ocean

Imagine it, companies all around the world working with Vibers. Making bioplastics, bio-concrete and sustainable paper and cardboard with Vibers inside. Helping companies lower their CO2 emissions. Helping create a better and more sustainable planet. With your help, we can stop imagining and make it happen. Vibers signed the Letter of Commitment to support the Ten Principles of The United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

Evolution, revolution, Vibers is the solution for the biggest problem on earth. 

Plastic in his water. Plastic in his food. Plastic in the air he breathes. It’s time to take him off the plastic diet. 

100,000 marine animals die every year because of plastic pollution. By 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. You can help stop it. Today. 

Vibers inside is a mentality. Use your grey matter to think about what really matters. 

Worldwide fires, droughts and floods. Nature is trying to tell us something. We should be listening. It’s time to stand up. Do something for your children. And your children’s children. 

Introducing green concrete. Concrete that lowers the ecological footprint. Concrete you can really build on. 
Maasboulevard 100
3063 NS Rotterdam

VAT No. 8513.73.665.B01
Chamber of Commerce No. 54617073
IBAN NL06 ABNA 0818 9173 26

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