page the crop

Elephant Grass

We make Vibers from a crop called elephant grass, using the whole crop, but without using chemical processing. We grow elephant grass on marginal land, not fit for food production.

Thanks to our patented technology, we use Vibers to create materials with a high technical performance, and with a low ecological footprint. Our technology is scalable, usable for other companies all over the world.

  • Absorbs about 30 tons of CO2 per hectare per year (four times more than a European forest)
  • Non food crop
  • Low moisture, from the land immediately ready for processing
  • Suitable for use in many sustainable materials, including bioplastic, bio-concrete and paper
  • No fertilizers needed
Beautiful sustainable materials

Vibers is at the forefront in the fast-growing bio-materials industry. Offering our customers materials and solutions that are both sustainable and beautiful. Materials and solutions that can be used for your paper, packaging or construction materials. Let’s change the world together. Contact us, find out more about Vibers and join the vibe!

Elephant grass, ready to harvest
Maasboulevard 100
3063 NS Rotterdam

VAT No. 8513.73.665.B01
Chamber of Commerce No. 54617073
IBAN NL06 ABNA 0818 9173 26

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